Know your rights
The law is on your side, with 49 states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands all having laws on the books that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location. (The only holdout? Idaho.) This means that you are legally allowed to feed your baby anytime, any place.
Feed with ease
Although it’s optional, some moms choose to breastfeed discreetly with a nursing cover or scarf. (Blankets can work in a pinch, but they’re easily kicked off by active babies.) A wrap carrier can make inconspicuous feeding even easier.
Plan ahead
If there’s a chance you’ll be nursing while you’re eating yourself (say you’re going out to dinner), feed baby on your dominate side before you leave the house. That way it’ll be your non-dominate side that’s up for the next meal, leaving your dominate hand free to deliver food to your mouth. (So, if you use your right hand to eat, you’ll want to be feeding from your left breast at the restaurant.)
State your case
Should anyone confront you about nursing in public, don’t be afraid to speak up and tell them your rights. Providing your infant with breast milk is one of the best things you can do for her health and well-being, so stand your ground, and stand up for fellow nursing moms everywhere.
The post How to: Nurse in public appeared first on Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine.