1 | Save time and never waste a single drop by pumping directly into the bag. (Fits most pumps.) Lansinoh breast milk storage bags, $6 for 25; pump adapter, $5
2 | Adjustable coverage that doubles as a stylish accessory for the win. Bebe au Lait Montauk cotton nursing scarf, $25
3 | No need to rub (or even touch!) sore nipples thanks to a healing spray. Healthy Mama soothing nipple spray, $13
4 | Discreet silicone pads seal off leaks before they start. LilyPadz reusable nursing pads, from $20
5 | Choose between a firm side for extra support and a soft side for extra comfort. Boppy Best Latch breastfeeding pillow, $45
6 | Well-placed channels draw milk away from sensitive skin. Evenflo Feeding advanced nursing pads, $6
7 | Ensure expressed milk keeps its cool with machine-washable storage. Ju-Ju-Be Fuel Cell bottle cooler, $30
8 | Place these clever cups in your bra, and pump with your shirt on. (Compatible with most double electric pumps.) NUK Simply Natural Freemie collection cups, $60
9 | A healthy, delicious way to shore up your supply and boost energy reserves. Milkful lactation oat bars, $20 for six
10 | Give the girls natural relief that can be warmed up or cooled down. Earth Mama Booby Tubes comfort packs, $20
The post Nursing school appeared first on Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine.