My first experience with breastfeeding was an absolute dream. Well, to be fair we had a rocky first two weeks, but that was only because I was given some terrible advice from my pediatrician. Once I trusted my mama instincts, everything clicked right into place, and it was smooth sailing for 15 months. Yes, I said 15 months, and I loved it until the very last day.
Breastfeeding my daughter felt so natural. I was fortunate to have a generous supply and an easy letdown. I never dealt with having to change my diet for my daughter or even use supplements to boost supply. Clogged ducts or mastitis never made their way to our neck of the woods either. I’m telling you, it was a total heavenly experience.
That is precisely why I am so nervous this time around. If you’ve read any of my previous blogs you know that this pregnancy—in comparison to my first—has been rough. I have been dealing with all of the negative side effects and symptoms of pregnancy that seemed to skip me the last time around. Naturally, I can only imagine that things will be the same when it comes to breastfeeding. I have spent my fair share of time overthinking and worrying about this next nursing journey.
However, I have come to terms with the fact that no matter what happens, we will be just fine. See, while I have hit multiple hurdles during this pregnancy, in two weeks or less I will be done. No amount of sciatic pain or weight gain changes the fact that I will get a sweet little baby soon. The same thing will be true with my breastfeeding journey and every other adventure ahead for parenting this second baby. No matter if we have struggles, have to supplement, exclusively pump, nurse on demand or whatever, my baby will be fed. Even though the options may not all seem ideal to me, the most important thing is that I will be able to make sure my baby is fed. For that reason, I’m breathing a little easier.
The post Week 37: Why I’m nervous to breastfeed again appeared first on Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine.